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Join our Team!



The Newark Neighbours volunteer team is excited to be at our new location: 
1534 Niagara Stone Road in Virgil


We are looking for volunteers to work on Saturdays or Sundays or Thursday evenings but can be flexible with scheduling.


If you are interested, please click below for our Volunteer Application Form, more information about the role and instructions for submission of your application. Ability to receive email communication will be considered a strong asset.


If you would like to discuss this further, please contact us by email at

We look forward to hearing from you!! 



Join Newark Neighbours and become part of our volunteer team. Currently, more than thirty-five members staff the Thrift Shop and Food Bank, all year around. 


Volunteers sort non-food donations, stock shelves, cull older items, interact with customers and  keep the store neat and tidy. Some medium lifting is required at times.

Become a Member

Members are entitled to participate and vote in Newark Neighbours Annual General Meeting. Not all members are volunteers...but all volunteers are members.


Members pay an annual membership fee of $10 (cash or cheque only).

Submit the application form by any of these methods:

  • Mail to our mailing address and include a cheque for your membership fee.

  • Attaching a scan of the form to an email and send to (and bring your fee to the Thrift Shop)

  • Drop off the application form and your membership fee to the Thrift Shop during open hours

Join Today - You Won't Regret It!
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